How to Upload Working Excel to Drive

Microsoft Excel has been the world's leading business concern application for more than 3 decades. Indeed for many people, the name Excel is synonymous with the give-and-take spreadsheet. According to Microsoft, an estimated 1 in 5 adults on the planet utilise Excel and in that location's no sign of that changing any time soon. When it comes to flexibility and accessibility, null beats a spreadsheet for data direction and assay.

With hundreds of advanced functions, Excel is notwithstanding the tool of choice for many businesses, but Google Sheets is a skillful alternative. Considering it's deject-based, Google Sheets and the other Google Workspace apps (formerly known as G Suite) are simple to use, accessible from anywhere, and great for collaboration. Y'all access Google Sheets via your web browser, so you don't need to install any software — all you lot need is an internet connexion.

Although information technology'due south a bit more basic than Excel, Google Sheets is gratuitous and information technology offers small businesses a swell alternative to purchasing a Microsoft Office license.

Anyone tin can access Google Sheets files via their browser, multiple users can piece of work in the same sheet simultaneously and changes are saved automatically. On superlative of that, you tin see what's happening with your data in real-time.

Both tools have their pros and cons. This means that information technology's now common for companies to employ both spreadsheet formats. As a result, many people will demand a fashion to convert Excel to Google Sheets, and vice versa. An easy way to do this is using Sheetgo's add together-on for Excel and Google Sheets.

How to convert Excel to Google Sheets

  1. Choosing between Excel and Sheets
  2. Upload Excel to Sheets manually
  3. Bug converting Excel to Google Sheets
  4. Why convert Excel to Google Sheets automatically?
  5. How to sync Excel to Google Sheets
  6. Importing information from multiple Excel files to Google Sheets
  7. How to filter information from Excel to Google Sheets

Migrating from Excel to Google Sheets or working with both?

Although your team might exist permanently migrating to Google Workspace, you may still receive data or reports from external sources. Even if your company is fully onboard with Google Sheets, at that place's a good adventure you will have to maintain a human relationship with Excel.

Some companies restrict their employees to Excel and insist that staff but share files as attachments.

At other times it comes downwards to personal preference: analysts sometimes prefer to use Excel for heavy data processing before transferring that information to Google Sheets for collaboration and reporting.

Sometimes you might need to use Google Sheets equally an input source for other software, such equally Google Data Studio.

Which is better? Excel vs Google Sheets

There's no easy answer hither, as information technology depends on your needs and what you're used to!

In full general, Excel is a more powerful option for heavy users processing big amounts of data. When it comes to online collaboration and ease of use, Google Sheets leads the manner. Check out our full side-by-side comparison of Excel and Google Sheets.

Here's a quick summary of how the two programs compare:


Google Sheets

Allows for big datasets (up to 17 million cells). File size limited to 5 meg cells.
Co-authoring is available in .xlsx, .xlsm, or .xlsb formats saved in OneDrive or Sharepoint. Intuitive collaboration functions (including chat) brand it easy to work together in real-time.
The desktop version requires you to hit "salve". Changes are automatically saved to the cloud.
New versions of (offline) files must be shared manually. Files are updated in real-time, pregnant everyone sees the latest version. Piece of cake sharing.
Requires a Microsoft Role license. Free to employ on a personal Google business relationship.
It'due south possible to lock individual workbooks with a password. Iii levels of admission control when sharing (view, annotate, and edit).
Powerful for statistical assay and visualization. Internet latency tin crusade slow file processing.
Advanced functions go far popular with analysts doing heavy number crunching. Simpler and user-friendly for spreadsheet beginners.
Can be used offline or online. Online only. Files are accessible from whatsoever device, anywhere, at any time.

How to transfer Excel to Google Sheets

At that place are two ways to do this.

The first method is OK if yous want to catechumen Excel to Google Sheets on a 1-off, advertizement-hoc basis.

The second option is to set up up an automated organization that syncs Excel to Sheets on a regular basis.

1. Upload manually

  1. Upload the Excel file to your Google Bulldoze.
  2. Double-click on the file and it will open.
  3. At the top of the screen, click File >Save as Google Sheets.

This will convert the file. The new Google Sheets version of the file is now saved in your Drive, alongside the original Excel workbook.


Yous can besides manually import data from Excel into a Google Sheets file from inside the spreadsheet.

  1. Open a Google Sheets file.
  2. Go to File > Import.
  3. Choose your Excel file and click Select.
  4. Cull from the options: Create new spreadsheet, Insert new canvass(south), or Replace spreadsheet.
  5. Click Import data.

Problems converting Excel to Sheets

The transmission upload or import method is straightforward only y'all might come across a couple of issues.

Firstly, Google Sheets may notify y'all that some Excel features are not compatible.

Here's the type of message you might see:


In that location are other potential drawbacks to this approach too.

  • Importing a big number of spreadsheets from XLS to Google Sheets manually is time-consuming.
  • Macros are not converted to Google Sheets.
  • References between linked Excel files will exist lost,leading to #REF errors in your spreadsheet.
  • If you want to update your Google Sheets with fresh data from Excel, you will have to acquit out the process from scratch each fourth dimension.
  • Some Excel formats are non directly compatible with Google Sheets: in this example, y'all'll have to copy and paste the data to reconstruct the entire Excel file in Google Sheets.

Why convert Excel to Google Sheets automatically?

An alternative to uploading each file manually is to gear up up an automated organisation that imports Excel data into Google Sheets while leaving the Excel files intact.

This has multiple advantages as you can:

  • Upload Excel to Google Sheets automatically
  • Work simultaneously with both Excel and Sheets
  • Maintain complex Excel files with macros while transferring all (or part) of that data into Sheets
  • Catechumen Excel to Google Sheets without manual work or adjustments
  • Sync data between Excel and Google Sheets, ensuring that changes to your XLS files are saved in Google Sheets
  • Facilitate information-sharing in a multi-cloud environment, importing data from colleagues' Excel files automatically
  • Generate automated reports and dashboards in Google Sheets using Excel data

convert Excel to Google Sheets 3

How to sync Excel to Google Sheets

Sheetgo is a no-lawmaking automation tool that allows you to move data between spreadsheets automatically without macros, ImportRange, or Google Apps Script.

In a couple of clicks, yous can set up a workflow that automatically pulls data from Excel files directly into Google Sheets. Here's how to practise it:

Footstep i: Install Sheetgo

Install Sheetgo via the bluish push button beneath.

You'll see that y'all can sign in with your Microsoft, Google, or Dropbox business relationship. This means that you tin connect Excel files to Google Sheets, no matter which cloud storage folder they are stored in.


Are your files stored on your reckoner?

If y'all want to connect files that are stored locally (on your computer) you tin can fix an automated system to dorsum upward and sync files from your desktop to your online cloud storage service.

This enables you to create automatic data flows using Sheetgo. Information technology also keeps your files secure and allows you lot to access them from anywhere. Learn more than.

Step two: Connect your Excel file

In one case your Excel files are online, the adjacent step is to create a connection betwixt your Excel file and Google Sheets.

  1. Within Sheetgo, click the blueConnect button.
  2. Give theUntitled workflow a name at the meridian of the screen.
  3. Nether Select source information, click Excel file.


4. Click +Select file then locate the workbook you want to convert to Google Sheets.

The selected file appears in Sheetgo.

v. Under File tab make certain to select the right tab (worksheet) containing the information you desire to ship to Google Sheets.


Step 3: Send data to Google Sheets

After you accept selected the source file and tab, you need to select which Google Sheets file you desire to upload the Excel data to.

  1. Click Continue.
  2. Under Ship data, select Google Sheets.


Choose your destination file

  •  If yous desire Sheetgo to automatically create a new Google Sheets file containing the Excel data, select New file. Sheetgo will save the file to your principal Google Drive folder. To save information technology in a specific folder, click Change destination folder.
  • If yous want to transfer the Excel information to a Google Sheets file that already exists, select Existing file. This will create a new tab(sheet) in the Google Sheets spreadsheet containing the Excel information.

Here I'll send it to a new file in my Google Drive. Under File proper name, enter a name for the new spreadsheet.


Salvage the connection

ClickFinish and save to create the Excel to Google Sheets connection.

The destination spreadsheet opens inside Sheetgo and the imported data appears in a new tab.

Note that the padlock icon and dark-green bar indicate that this is a connected Sheetgo tab. Every time y'all update the connection, the data in this tab will be refreshed with the latest data from the Excel file. To edit the data, transfer information technology to some other tab using formulas.


Stride iv: Update the connection

Now that you have created a Sheetgo connexion between Excel and Google Sheets, you can sync information betwixt the 2 spreadsheets at whatever time.

Inside Sheetgo, open the workflow and click Run on the carte du jour bar. This will refresh the data in the Google Sheets file.


Step 5: Automate the workflow

To salvage fourth dimension and ensure that your Google Sheets files, dashboards, and reports are e'er updated, yous can automate the unabridged system.

ClickAutomate on the card bar and choose how oftentimes yous want updates: from once an hour to once a month.

Accommodate the fourth dimension of 24-hour interval and the day of the week, so the connection only syncs when you need it to.


Your automated system is up and running

You take now gear up automated uploads from Excel to Google Sheets using Sheetgo.

Whenever you (or your colleague) edit the Excel source file(due south), changes volition be reflected in the Google Sheets destination file.

If y'all want to save previous information entries and create a historical log, you lot can choose a staggered update schedule and append information at specific intervals.

You can extend the workflow by adding more than connections to build a bigger organization. You can as well ship information in the other direction, from Google Sheets to Excel. For more aid, check out our post on how to automatically convert Google Sheets to Excel.

Want to import information from multiple Excel files into Google Sheets?

If y'all want to combine data from multiple Excel tabs (worksheets) into 1 Google Sheets tab, click+Add some other source file and repeat the previous steps.

This will allow you to import and merge data from several Excel tabs (in the aforementioned workbook or dissimilar workbooks) into 1 spreadsheet.


If you accept a large number of source files, try consolidating from a folder. This allows yous to import data from the aforementioned source tab in multiple Excel files into one spreadsheet quickly and easily. Whenever you driblet a new file into the folder, information technology will be added to the connection automatically.

To consolidate data from a folder of Excel files in Sheetgo, create a new workflow and click Connect.

Under Select source data, click An entire folder.

Note that the source tab(worksheet) must have the same format (column construction) in every file, in order to consolidate the data correctly.

For more than detailed instructions, read our guide on how to consolidate data from multiple Excel files into i.

Can I filter information from Excel to Google Sheets?

Yes! By default, Sheetgo transfers the unabridged source tab to the destination tab but you can use filters to extract specific data. This enables yous tin can send a selected part of your Excel data to Google Sheets, based on the conditions you specify.

Note that your source and destination file must both be stored in Google Drive in order to use Sheetgo filters. If y'all need help syncing your Excel files to Bulldoze, cheque out these tips.

How to filter a new connection

  • Open Sheetgo and click Connect to create a new workflow.
  • Under Source information select your Excel file from Google Drive.
  • Select the file tab containing the data your want to consign to Google Sheets.
  • Click the Go along push.

In the instance below, I want to export filtered data from a file containing the results of a client survey.

I just want to consign responses from peoplewho replied in Jan, so I select the source tab January.


Filter past status, query, or cell color

Nether Filter information, choose how you lot want to excerpt data from the source sheet.

  • Filter by condition: select information from the Excel file by column, number, date, text, or value.
  • Filter by query: select data by writing an SQL query. Learn how to employ a query filter.
  • Filter past color: select data by the color of the cells.

Here I simply desire to export survey responses from women, so I use the following filter settings:

  1. Filter by condition
  2. Information matches 1 condition (OR)
  3. Data matches > Status > Column B:Gender
  4. Criteria: Text contains > Value: female


I want to send this filtered Excel data to a new Google Sheets file.

In the file name box, I'll call information technology Female respondents.

You tin also rename the new file tab if you want to. Here I'm happy to use the name that Sheetgo generates automatically, based on the name of the source tab. In this case, my tab will exist namedSheetgo_January.

Click Finish and salvage to create the filtered Excel to Google Sheets connection.


The new Google Sheets file opens inside Sheetgo.

As y'all can come across, I now take a new spreadsheet called Female respondents.

Survey responses take been filtered from my Excel file (Client Survey USA > January) into the new tab Sheetgo_January.


Sync the files at any time

The Excel source file is at present connected to the Google Sheets destination file.

But like with a standard Sheetgo connection, you lot can update the workflow at any fourth dimension past clicking Run. Or schedule regular updates by clicking Automate.

This volition sync changes in the Excel canvas to the information that'due south being filtered to your Google Sheets file.

How to filter an existing connection
  • Open Sheetgo and select the workflow from the list on the left.
  • Click on Connections.
  • On the right of the screen, go to the menu⋮ > Edit Connection.
  • Under Source data, click Done editing.
  • Click on the Filter data icon.


  • Apply a filter then click Stop and salvage.
  • Run the workflow to update the connection. The new filter volition exist applied.

Automated data transfer in spreadsheets

That's how to catechumen Excel to Google Sheets automatically!

One time you lot've connected an Excel file to Google Sheets, information technology'south easy to add more connections or build a more than advanced workflow between your spreadsheets. Want to motion data in the other direction, from Google Sheets to Excel? Or maybe you want to combine information from multiple Excel workbooks into one fundamental file. In instance, the Sheetgo app and improver provide yous with all of these tools and more!

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